coping with seasonal affective disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that affects people during the cold winter months. Symptoms can include feeling down and depressed, loss of energy and motivation, difficulty sleeping, and changes in appetite. If you are struggling with SAD this winter season, there are several coping skills to consider including counseling.

The Benefits of Professional Counseling for SAD

Seeking professional help from a counselor can be beneficial for those struggling with SAD. A counselor can help you understand the root causes of your feelings and offer strategies to cope more effectively. They may also provide guidance on lifestyle changes that could make a difference in how you feel such as changes in diet or exercise habits. Additionally, counselors can recommend therapy techniques that been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Self-Care Strategies for Coping With SAD

In addition to professional help, there are some self-care strategies that can help you manage your symptoms of SAD. Taking time each day to do things that bring you joy is one way to take care of yourself while living with SAD. Make sure to focus on activities that make you feel good while also providing structure and purpose in your life; activities like taking walks outside, journaling or painting might be helpful ways to cope with seasonal affective disorder. It’s also important to get enough sleep; aim for 7-9 hours per night during the winter months so that your body and mind have time to rest and recharge. Additionally, eating nutritious meals throughout the day helps keep energy levels up while also providing essential nutrients for healthy brain function.

Light Therapy

Light therapy has been shown to be effective in treating SAD. It is best used as soon as symptoms start appearing and should be done every day for around 30 minutes. You can purchase light boxes that mimic sunlight or you can simply sit near a window during the brightest hours of the day and soak up the natural light. Having regular exposure to natural light or artificial light can help improve your mood significantly.

Depression during the winter months is common but it doesn’t have to be debilitating if managed properly. If you’re facing seasonal affective disorder this year, make sure to prioritize self-care strategies like getting enough sleep and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Additionally seeking professional help from a counselor can give you the tools needed for long-term relief from SAD symptoms. By combining self-care strategies with counseling treatment options available today, managing depression during winter doesn’t have to feel overwhelming anymore! Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about counseling or to set up an appointment.




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