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get started

Once you reach out through this form, I will ask you a few general questions to set up an initial appointment. Then you will receive some paperwork to read through and sign. You’ll fill out all the paperwork electronically, completely online through our secure client portal, and the login information for the portal will be given to you through a separate e-mail once you’ve decided to set up a session.

the first session

During your first session, we’ll walk through your intake paperwork together and go over your signed releases. This session will be a lot more of me talking than a normal session so that I can lay the groundwork for you about how I might be able to help, as well as answer any questions about therapy in general (hint: this info might help demystify therapy a bit!) I will also ask you questions in order to get an understanding of your needs and how I can help. Sessions are 55 minutes long, and I recommend in the beginning we meet once a week for the first few weeks (at least) to keep up the momentum we see in session.

going forward

I will work with you to figure out what you’d like to work on first and how to take steps toward change. Sometimes this will feel like sifting through rubble to find a path forward, and other times the right way to go will feel very clear! My clients sometimes have a dream of what their lives could be like, but that dream feels like a mountaintop very far away. My job is to walk with you toward that dream; sometimes leading the way, sometimes following you, sometimes right beside you. Will therapy be difficult? Yes. It will also feel energizing, productive, and even fun. It’s not uncommon to hear loud laughter coming from my office.

if you could use some extra support, don’t wait. reach out today.